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Docusaurus supports admonitions, which are callouts that can be used to highlight important information. Admonitions are available in Markdown and MDX. This article will cover customizing the admonitions in your Docusaurus site.

For simple customisation please refer to the documentation above.


To complete these steps, you'll need to understand how to swizzle a Docusaurus component. If you're not familiar with swizzling, check out the swizzling documentation.

Swizzling the admonition component

The swizzling behaviour differs depending on whether you want a TS or JS component.

When you swizzle (eject mode) the admonition component in a JS project you will end up with:

  • A JS component at src/theme/Admonition/index.js containing all of the code for the various types of admonition.

Creating a new admonition

To create a new admonition you will need to add a new icon and config to the src/theme/Admonition/index.js file. If we wanted to add a security admonition using a Font Awesome icon we would add the following to the src/theme/Admonition/index.js file:

Define the icon
function SecurityIcon() {
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faShieldHalf} />
Add the config
security: {
infimaClassName: 'security',
iconComponent: SecurityIcon,
label: (
description="The default label used for the Security admonition (:::security)">

For both JS and TS projects you will also need to add the CSS for the new admonition to the src/css/custom.css file:

.alert--security {
--ifm-alert-background-color: rgba(212, 53, 28, 0.5);
--ifm-alert-background-color-highlight: rgba(212, 53, 28, 0.15);
--ifm-alert-foreground-color: rgb(66,69,73);
--ifm-alert-border-color: #d4351c;

html[data-theme='dark'] .alert--security {
--ifm-alert-background-color: rgba(212, 53, 28, 0.5);
--ifm-alert-background-color-highlight: rgba(212, 53, 28, 0.15);
--ifm-alert-foreground-color: rgb(255,255,255);
--ifm-alert-border-color: #d4351c;

and you'll need to override the admonition config in docusaurus.config.js:

const config = {
presets: [
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */
docs: {
admonitions: {
keywords: [
blog: {
admonitions: {
keywords: [

As you can see in the config above we have redefined the existing list of types and added our new security type. This is because once set the config option overrides the default list of types. We've set the config in our example for both the docs and blog plugins.

Using the new admonition

To use the new admonition you can use the following syntax:

This is a security warning

This is a security warning

There we have it. We've created a new admonition type and added it to our Docusaurus project. This site features a number of other admonition types that you can use as a reference for creating your own.



This is a Discord admonition. With a link.


This is a Release admonition. With a link.


This is a Security admonition. With a link.


This is a Docusaurus admonition. With a link.