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Numeration System

This script will be super useful to whoever wants to build a website, keeping track of all the entities and their assigned numbers. It will generate new markdown files, starting from the ones in the src/docs folder, saving them in the docs folder. For this reason, the script has to be run before the actual build of the website.

numerationSystem will assign a number to several entities, and substitute the placeholders inside the markdown files. This is done to avoid having to manually update the numbers when adding new entities.

This is the structure of the spec:

- Macro Chapter X
1. Chapter A
- Section 1.1
... subsections
- Section 1.2
2. Chapter B
- Section 2.1
... subsections
- Section 2.2
- Macro Chapter Y


- Polkadot Host
1. Overview
1.1 Light Client
2. State and Transitions

The entities involved are:

  • Chapters
  • Sections
  • Definitions
  • Algorithms
  • Tables
  • Images

Those defined as "Macro Chapters" will not be numbered.


To write a new chapter, use the following syntax:

title: -chap-num- Chapter Title
<!-- Chapter content here -->

The placeholder -chap-num- will be replaced by the number assigned by numerationSystem.

If you add a chapter (or "Macro Chapter"), you have also to add it to the sidebars.js file, and adjust the numbers of the other chapters.


To write a new section, use the following syntax:

## -sec-num- Section name {#id-section-name}
  • Use a markdown header from H2 to H5 included, so the maximum depth is a.b.c.d.e (H2 is a.b).
  • Put the placeholder -sec-num- in the header, which will be replaced;
  • Add an id to the header, which will be used to reference the section.


To write a definition:

###### Definition -def-num- Runtime Pointer {#defn-runtime-pointer}
  • Use a markdown H6 header (######);
  • Put the placeholder -def-num- in the header;
  • Add an id to the header.

Then, you should include the definition content inside the custom admonition :::definition (you can find all the custom admonitions inside src/theme/Admonition/Types.js).

So the final result will be the following:

###### Definition -def-num- Runtime Pointer {#defn-runtime-pointer}
:::definition <!-- Open admonition -->

Definition content here

::: <!-- Close admonition -->


To define an algorithm, use the same syntax as for definitions, but with the placeholder -algo-num-:

###### Algorithm -algo-num- Aggregate-Key {#algo-aggregate-key}

At the top of the page, you must include the Pseudocode component and the LaTeX algorithm you want to render:

title: -chap-num- States and Transitions
import Pseudocode from '@site/src/components/Pseudocode';
import aggregateKey from '!!raw-loader!@site/src/algorithms/aggregateKey.tex';

After this, you can build the algorithm using the admonition :::algorithm, and using the Pseudocode component (refer to the file to know more about its props). This will be the final result:

title: -chap-num- States and Transitions
import Pseudocode from '@site/src/components/Pseudocode';
import aggregateKey from '!!raw-loader!@site/src/algorithms/aggregateKey.tex';

<!-- Page content here -->

###### Algorithm -algo-num- Aggregate-Key {#algo-aggregate-key}
options={{ "lineNumber": true }}

<!-- Algorithm description here -->

Tables and Images

To define a table or an image, use the same syntax as for definitions and algorithms (always using a H6 header), but with the placeholder -tab-num- or -img-num-:

###### Table -tab-num- Name {#tab-name}


###### Image -img-num- Name {#img-name}

For these two entities you won't need to use any component or admonition.


To reference any of the entities from anywhere in the website, you have to use the following syntax:

[Entity -xxx-num-ref-](entity-page#entity-id)
  • Use a markdown link;
  • Put the placeholder -xxx-num-ref- in the text link, which will be replaced (xxx depends on the entity, for example -def-num-ref- for definitions);
  • The link should point to the header id of the definition, with the page name as a prefix (if is a page, ".md" must be omitted).