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Time line Component


Thanks to Docux (Juniors017) for creating this component and sharing it with us.

The Infima CSS framework provides a set of utility classNamees that can be used to stylize cards in Docusaurus. This article will cover how to create a reusable Time line component for your Docusaurus site which can be personalized with different colors and sizes. The component will create every items in Time line, you will be able to create and personalize each item independently of each other The component integrates the Native css colors variables of Infima

i invite you look the official documentation to styling your site with Infima and the new documentation on community site (Work in progress !) CSS Variables

The component is in fact a set of one components for Time line and subcomponent that will admit to form each items.

TimeLine : composition of the master folder

  • TimeLine component (The time line core)
  • TimeLineItem (The items in time line)

We will discover that it pairs wonderfully with other components present in our library but this will be the subject of a dedicated page.

Creating the TimeLine component

First we will create the master component in: \src\components\Timeline. Next we will start by creating a "subcomponent" called TimeLineItem.

The component will accept the following props:

variant: this is for the line's color

Creating the file and adding the source code for the component.

import React,  { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import styles from './styles.module.css';

const TimeLine = ({
className, // Custom classes for the button
style, // Custom styles for the button
children, // Children elements
variant, // for line color

}) => {
const bgLineColor = variant ?styles[`timeline--${variant}`] : ''; // css integrate infima color

return (
<div className={clsx(styles.timeline,bgLineColor, className)} style={style}> // style and classNamme are integrated

export default TimeLine;

Creating the subcomponent TimeLineItem

This sub-component will create each element of your time line, it will accept the following props:

  • textAlign: The option for text alignment left right center by default justify
  • variant: (optional)This will be used to apply different colors to the text based on the Infima CSS utility classNamees. The default value is primary
  • italic: Default value is false, it's for italic text render
  • noDecoration: Default value is false, it's for delete text decoration
  • transform: The option for transform text to UPPERCASE TEXT lowercase text or Capitalize Text
  • breakWord: The option for break text, the text will break at the a word boundary so it will not break in the middle of a word
  • truncate: The option is for very long text that will be truncated if there is not enough space to display it in a single line on the screen. It's truncated by adding...
  • weight: The option for text weight Bold Semibold Normal Light
  • shadow: if you want to show a shadow under item 'tl' by default
  • color: The option is for text color
  • aligne: The option is for add items on left or right by default left. This option is responsive no worry

For color options, the component incorporates all the infima colors. you can find out in the addition part of the component’s css

import React,  { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import styles from '../styles.module.css';

const TimelineItem = ({
className, // Custom classes for the button
style, // Custom styles for the button
children, // Children elements
align = 'left' , // position of item
textAlign = 'justify', // text position
variant = 'primary', // background color
italic = false , // style italic for text
noDecoration = false, // style no text decoration
transform, // option for transform text to UPPERCASE TEXT lowercase text or Capitalize Text
breakWord = false, // option for break text, the text will break at the a word boundary so it will not break in the middle of a word.
truncate = false, // The option is for very long text that will be truncated if there is not enough space to display it in a single line on the screen. It's truncated by adding...
weight, // The option for text weight Bold Semibold Normal Light
color, // text color
shadow = 'tl', // shadow option

}) => {
const boxshadow = shadow ?`item shadow--${shadow}` : '';
const bgcolor = variant ?styles[`timeline__content--${variant}`] : '';
const itemalign = align ? styles[`timeline__item--${align}`] :'';
const text = textAlign ? `text--${textAlign}` :'';
const textColor = color ? `text--${color}` : '';
const textItalic = italic ? 'text--italic' : '';
const textDecoration = noDecoration ? 'text-no-decoration' : '';
const textType = transform ? `text--${transform}` : '';
const textBreak = breakWord ? 'text--break' : '';
const textTruncate = truncate ? 'text--truncate' : '';
const textWeight = weight ? `text--${weight}` : '';

return (
<div className={clsx(styles.timeline__item,
)} >

<div className={clsx(styles.timeline__content,
className ,



export default TimelineItem;

CSS of this componant

in this component I included the css variables of the colors made available by Infima for backgrounds and borders, for the text this is integrated natively.


.timeline {
position: relative;
max-width: 1200px;
margin: 0 auto;

.timeline::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 6px;
background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -3px;

/* item around content */
.timeline__item {
padding: 10px 40px;
position: relative;
background-color: inherit;
width: 50%;

/* The circles on the timeline */
.timeline__item::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
right: -13px;
background-color: rgb(46, 46, 46);
border: 4px solid #000000;
top: 15px;
border-radius: 50%;
z-index: 1;

/* Place the item to the left */
.timeline__item--left {
left: 0;

/* Place the item to the right */
.timeline__item--right {
left: 50%;

/* Add arrows to the left item (pointing right) */
.timeline__item--left::before {
content: "";
height: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 22px;
width: 0;
z-index: 1;
right: 30px;
border: medium solid rgb(54, 54, 54);
border-width: 10px 0 10px 10px;
border-color: transparent transparent transparent rgb(54, 54, 54);

/* Add arrows to the right item (pointing left) */
.timeline__item--right::before {
content: "";
height: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 22px;
width: 0;
z-index: 1;
left: 30px;
border: medium solid rgb(78, 78, 78);
border-width: 10px 10px 10px 0;
border-color: transparent rgb(54, 54, 54) transparent transparent;

/* Fix the circle for items on the right side */
.timeline__item--right::after {
left: -13px;

/* The actual content */
.timeline__content {
padding: 20px 30px;
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
position: relative;
border-radius: 6px;

/* Media queries - Responsive timeline on screens less than 600px wide */
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.timeline::after {
left: 31px;

.timeline__item {
width: 100%;
padding-left: 70px;
padding-right: 25px;

.timeline__item::before {
left: 60px;
border: medium solid rgb(68, 68, 68);
border-width: 10px 10px 10px 0;
border-color: transparent rgb(0, 0, 0);

.timeline__item--left::after, .timeline__item--right::after {
left: 15px;

.timeline__item--right {
left: 0%;

/*basics colors for background color items*/

.timeline__content--black {
background-color: #000000;
.timeline__content--white {
background-color: #ffffff;

/* ********************* infima integration for background color items ************************/
/* Primary */
.timeline__content--primary {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary);

/* Primary Dark */
.timeline__content--primary-dark {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-dark);

/* Primary Darker */
.timeline__content--primary-darker {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-darker);

/* Primary Darkest */
.timeline__content--primary-darkest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-darkest);

/* Primary Light */
.timeline__content--primary-light {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-light);

/* Primary Lighter */
.timeline__content--primary-lighter {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-lighter);

/* Primary Lightest */
.timeline__content--primary-lightest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-lightest);
/* Success */
.timeline__content--success {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success);

/* Success Dark */
.timeline__content--success-dark {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-dark);

/* Success Darker */
.timeline__content--success-darker {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-darker);

/* Success Darkest */
.timeline__content--success-darkest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-darkest);

/* Success Light */
.timeline__content--success-light {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-light);

/* Success Lighter */
.timeline__content--success-lighter {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-lighter);

/* Success Lightest */
.timeline__content--success-lightest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-lightest);

/* Warning */
.timeline__content--warning {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning);

/* Warning Dark */
.timeline__content--warning-dark {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-dark);

/* Warning Darker */
.timeline__content--warning-darker {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-darker);

/* Warning Darkest */
.timeline__content--warning-darkest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-darkest);

/* Warning Light */
.timeline__content--warning-light {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-light);

/* Warning Lighter */
.timeline__content--warning-lighter {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-lighter);

/* Warning Lightest */
.timeline__content--warning-lightest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-lightest);

/* danger */
.timeline__content--danger {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger);

/* danger Dark */
.timeline__content--danger-dark {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-dark);

/* danger Darker */
.timeline__content--danger-darker {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-darker);

/* danger Darkest */
.timeline__content--danger-darkest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-darkest);

/* danger Light */
.timeline__content--danger-light {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-light);

/* danger Lighter */
.timeline__content--danger-lighter {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-lighter);

/* danger Lightest */
.timeline__content--danger-lightest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-lightest);

/* Info */
.timeline__content--info {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info);

/* Info Dark */
.timeline__content--info-dark {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-dark);

/* Info Darker */
.timeline__content--info-darker {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-darker);

/* Info Darkest */
.timeline__content--info-darkest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-darkest);

/* Info Light */
.timeline__content--info-light {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-light);

/* Info Lighter */
.timeline__content--info-lighter {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-lighter);

/* Info Lightest */
.timeline__content--info-lightest {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-lightest);

/* background color for line of time line*/
/* Primary */
.timeline--primary::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary);

/* Primary Dark */
.timeline--primary-dark::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-dark);

/* Primary Darker */
.timeline--primary-darker::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-darker);

/* Primary Darkest */
.timeline--primary-darkest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-darkest);

/* Primary Light */
.timeline--primary-light::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-light);

/* Primary Lighter */
.timeline--primary-lighter::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-lighter);

/* Primary Lightest */
.timeline--primary-lightest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-primary-lightest);

/* Success */
.timeline--success::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success);

/* Success Dark */
.timeline--success-dark::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-dark);

/* Success Darker */
.timeline--success-darker::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-darker);

/* Success Darkest */
.timeline--success-darkest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-darkest);

/* Success Light */
.timeline--success-light::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-light);

/* Success Lighter */
.timeline--success-lighter::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-lighter);

/* Success Lightest */
.timeline--success-lightest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-success-lightest);

/* Warning */
.timeline--warning::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning);

/* Warning Dark */
.timeline--warning-dark::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-dark);

/* Warning Darker */
.timeline--warning-darker::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-darker);

/* Warning Darkest */
.timeline--warning-darkest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-darkest);

/* Warning Light */
.timeline--warning-light::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-light);

/* Warning Lighter */
.timeline--warning-lighter::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-lighter);

/* Warning Lightest */
.timeline--warning-lightest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-warning-lightest);

/* danger */
.timeline--danger::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger);

/* danger Dark */
.timeline--danger-dark::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-dark);

/* danger Darker */
.timeline--danger-darker::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-darker);

/* danger Darkest */
.timeline--danger-darkest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-darkest);

/* danger Light */
.timeline--danger-light::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-light);

/* danger Lighter */
.timeline--danger-lighter::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-lighter);

/* danger Lightest */
.timeline--danger-lightest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-danger-lightest);

/* Info */
.timeline--info::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info);

/* Info Dark */
.timeline--info-dark::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-dark);

/* Info Darker */
.timeline--info-darker::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-darker);

/* Info Darkest */
.timeline--info-darkest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-darkest);

/* Info Light */
.timeline--info-light::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-light);

/* Info Lighter */
.timeline--info-lighter::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-lighter);

/* Info Lightest */
.timeline--info-lightest::after {
background-color: var(--ifm-color-info-lightest);

MDX Component Scope

To follow the Docusaurus documentation, we create a theme folder that will host the MDXComponents file. This gives us src\theme\MDXComponents.*. You may already have a src\theme folder or an MDXComponents file if so - merge the changes described here with yours.

  import React from 'react';
// Importing the original mapper + our components according to the Docusaurus doc
import MDXComponents from '@theme-original/MDXComponents';

import Timeline from '@site/src/components/Timeline';
import TimelineItem from '@site/src/components/Timeline/TimelineItem';

export default {
// Reusing the default mapping

Using the Time line Component in an MDX File


<Timeline variant="danger-darkest" horizontal>

<TimelineItem variant='white' align='right' color='danger' style={{ borderColor: 'danger', borderWidth: '5px', borderStyle: 'solid' , borderRadius:'20px'}}>
### 2024
Year of the Dragon : The Dragon symbolizes power, strength, and good fortune. People born under this sign are often seen as confident, ambitious, and charismatic.
<TimelineItem variant='black' align='left' color='info' style={{ borderColor: 'info', borderWidth: '5px', borderStyle: 'solid' , borderRadius:'0'}} >
### 2023
Year of the Rabbit : The Rabbit is associated with luck, peace, and gentleness. People born under this sign are often considered kind, compassionate, and artistic.

<TimelineItem variant='warning' align='right'>
### 2022
Year of the Tiger : The Tiger symbolizes bravery, courage, and determination. People born under this sign are known for their self-confidence and ability to overcome obstacles
<TimelineItem variant='info' align='left' >
### 2021
Year of the Ox : The Ox represents hard work, stability, and perseverance. People born under this sign are known for their reliability and dedication

<TimelineItem variant='primary' align='right'>
### 2020
Year of the Rat : The Rat is associated with intelligence, prosperity, and resourcefulness. People born under this sign are often viewed as clever and opportunistic.
<TimelineItem align='left' variant='danger'>
### 2019
Year of the Pig : The Pig symbolizes abundance, generosity, and kindness. People born under this sign are renowned for their warm nature and good sense of humor.

<TimelineItem variant='success' align='right' >
### 2018
Year of the Dog : The Dog represents loyalty, faithfulness, and protection. People born under this sign are often perceived as honest, devoted, and loyal to their family and friends.
<TimelineItem variant='info' align='left' color='danger' >
### 2017
Year of the Rooster : The Rooster is associated with bravery, self-confidence, and determination. People born under this sign are often considered dynamic and full of energy

<TimelineItem variant='white' align='right' color='info'>
### 2016
Year of the Monkey : The Monkey symbolizes intelligence, cleverness, and curiosity. People born under this sign are renowned for their sharp minds and ability to find creative solutions to problems
<TimelineItem variant='primary-darkest' align='left' color='primary-lightest'>
### 2015
Year of the Goat/Sheep : The Goat (or Sheep) represents gentleness, harmony, and creativity. People born under this sign are often seen as loving and artistic.




Year of the Dragon : The Dragon symbolizes power, strength, and good fortune. People born under this sign are often seen as confident, ambitious, and charismatic.


Docux (@Juniors017)

humble contributor on: @Doc.Community

Year of the Rabbit : The Rabbit is associated with luck, peace, and gentleness. People born under this sign are often considered kind, compassionate, and artistic.


Year of the Tiger : The Tiger symbolizes bravery, courage, and determination. People born under this sign are known for their self-confidence and ability to overcome obstacles


Year of the Rat : The Rat is associated with intelligence, prosperity, and resourcefulness. People born under this sign are often viewed as clever and opportunistic. dd @catalyststuff


Year of the Pig : The Pig symbolizes abundance, generosity, and kindness. People born under this sign are renowned for their warm nature and good sense of humor.


Year of the Dog : The Dog represents loyalty, faithfulness, and protection. People born under this sign are often perceived as honest, devoted, and loyal to their family and friends.


Year of the Monkey : The Monkey symbolizes intelligence, cleverness, and curiosity. People born under this sign are renowned for their sharp minds and ability to find creative solutions to problems


Year of the Goat/Sheep : The Goat (or Sheep) represents gentleness, harmony, and creativity. People born under this sign are often seen as loving and artistic.