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Card Component


Thanks to Docux (Juniors017) for creating this component and sharing it with us.

The Infima CSS framework provides a set of utility classes which can be used to create cards in Docusaurus. This article will cover how to create a reusable card component for your Docusaurus site which can be customised with different colors and sizes and hold a variety of content. The component can recreate all the cards demonstrated in the Infima docs and more.

The card component is made up of a container component and three sub-components: CardHeader, CardBody, and CardFooter. Each part can be customised with different colors, sizes, and content.

The card component can be combined with most other components in Docusaurus to create a wide variety of card designs. Including our other components like Avatar, Button, and Columns. We'll have a separate set of pages covering combined component examples.

Creating the Card component

This component is a container for the other parts of the card.

First we will create the parent folder in: \src\components\Card\. In this folder we will create the index file which will be the container for the card component.

The Card component accepts the following props:

  • className: Custom classes for the card container.
  • style: Custom styles for the card container.
  • shadow: Used to add shadow under your card. Expected values are: low (lw), medium (md), tall (tl)

Creating the file and adding the source code for the component.

import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react'; // CSSProperties allows inline styling with better type checking.
import clsx from 'clsx'; // clsx helps manage conditional className names in a clean and concise manner.
const Card = ({
className, // Custom classes for the container card
style, // Custom styles for the container card
children, // Content to be included within the card
shadow, // Used to add shadow under your card. Expected values are: low (lw), medium (md), tall (tl)
}) => {
const cardShadow = shadow ? `item shadow--${shadow}` : '';
return (
<div className={clsx('card', className, cardShadow)} style={style}>
export default Card;

Creating the CardHeader component

This component forms the header of your cards. The header component will accept the following props:

  • textAlign: Align the text in the header. Expected values are: left, right, center or justify.
  • variant: This will be used to apply different colors to the text based on the Infima CSS utility class names.
  • italic: Renders text in italics.
  • noDecoration: Removes text decoration.
  • transform: Changes the case of the text in the header. Expected values are: uppercase lowercase or capitalize.
  • breakWord: Forces text to break at a word boundary so it will not break in the middle of a word.
  • truncate: Truncates very long text strings if there is not enough space to display it in a single line on the screen. Text is truncated by adding...
  • weight: Controls the weight of the text in the header. Expected values are: Bold Semibold Normal or Light.
  import React,  { CSSProperties } from 'react'; // CSSProperties allows inline styling with better type checking.
import clsx from 'clsx'; // clsx helps manage conditional className names in a clean and concise manner.
const CardHeader = ({
className, // classNamees for the container card
style, // Custom styles for the container card
children, // Content to be included within the card
italic = false ,
noDecoration = false,
breakWord = false,
truncate = false,
}) => {
const text = textAlign ? `text--${textAlign}` :'';
const textColor = variant ? `text--${variant}` : '';
const textItalic = italic ? 'text--italic' : '';
const textDecoration = noDecoration ? 'text-no-decoration' : '';
const textType = transform ? `text--${transform}` : '';
const textBreak = breakWord ? 'text--break' : '';
const textTruncate = truncate ? 'text--truncate' : '';
const textWeight = weight ? `text--${weight}` : '';
return (
export default CardHeader;

Creating the CardBody component

This component holds the body of your cards. The component will accept the following props:

  • textAlign: Align the text in the header. Expected values are: left, right, center or justify.
  • variant: This will be used to apply different colors to the text based on the Infima CSS utility class names.
  • italic: Renders text in italics.
  • noDecoration: Removes text decoration.
  • transform: Changes the case of the text in the header. Expected values are: uppercase lowercase or capitalize.
  • breakWord: Forces text to break at a word boundary so it will not break in the middle of a word.
  • truncate: Truncates very long text strings if there is not enough space to display it in a single line on the screen. Text is truncated by adding...
  • weight: Controls the weight of the text in the header. Expected values are: Bold Semibold Normal or Light.
import React,  { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
const CardBody = ({
className, // classNamees for the container card
style, // Custom styles for the container card
children, // Content to be included within the card
italic = false ,
noDecoration = false,
breakWord = false,
truncate = false,
}) => {
const text = textAlign ? `text--${textAlign}` :'';
const textColor = variant ? `text--${variant}` : '';
const textItalic = italic ? 'text--italic' : '';
const textDecoration = noDecoration ? 'text-no-decoration' : '';
const textType = transform ? `text--${transform}` : '';
const textBreak = breakWord ? 'text--break' : '';
const textTruncate = truncate ? 'text--truncate' : '';
const textWeight = weight ? `text--${weight}` : '';
return (
export default CardBody;

Creating the CardImage component

This component is used to display a formatted image in your cards. This component is optional, you can choose to use image html and use className={clsx('card__image')}.

import React,  { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; // Import the useBaseUrl function from Docusaurus
const CardImage = ({
}) => {
const generatedCardImageUrl = useBaseUrl(cardImageUrl);
return (
className={clsx('card__image', className)}
src={generatedCardImageUrl} alt={alt} title={title}
export default CardImage;

Creating the CardFooter component

This component forms the footer of your cards. The component will accept the following props:

  • textAlign: Align the text in the header. Expected values are: left, right, center or justify.
  • variant: This will be used to apply different colors to the text based on the Infima CSS utility class names.
  • italic: Renders text in italics.
  • noDecoration: Removes text decoration.
  • transform: Changes the case of the text in the header. Expected values are: uppercase lowercase or capitalize.
  • breakWord: Forces text to break at a word boundary so it will not break in the middle of a word.
  • truncate: Truncates very long text strings if there is not enough space to display it in a single line on the screen. Text is truncated by adding...
  • weight: Controls the weight of the text in the header. Expected values are: Bold Semibold Normal or Light.
import React,  { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
const CardFooter = ({
italic = false ,
noDecoration = false,
breakWord = false,
truncate = false,
}) => {
const text = textAlign ? `text--${textAlign}` :'';
const textColor = variant ? `text--${variant}` : '';
const textItalic = italic ? 'text--italic' : '';
const textDecoration = noDecoration ? 'text-no-decoration' : '';
const textType = transform ? `text--${transform}` : '';
const textBreak = breakWord ? 'text--break' : '';
const textTruncate = truncate ? 'text--truncate' : '';
const textWeight = weight ? `text--${weight}` : '';
return (
export default CardFooter;

MDX Component Scope

To follow the Docusaurus documentation, we create a theme folder that will host the MDXComponents file. This gives us src\theme\MDXComponents.*. You may already have a src\theme folder or an MDXComponents file if so - merge the changes described here with yours.

  import React from 'react';
// Importing the original mapper + our components according to the Docusaurus doc
import MDXComponents from '@theme-original/MDXComponents';
import Card from '@site/src/components/Card';
import CardBody from '@site/src/components/Card/CardBody';
import CardFooter from '@site/src/components/Card/CardFooter';
import CardHeader from '@site/src/components/Card/CardHeader';
import CardImage from '@site/src/components/Card/CardImage';
export default {
// Reusing the default mapping

Using the Card Component in an MDX File

For convenience these cards are displayed using some wrapper div elements like a container, row and / or col.

Basic Card

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

  <Card shadow='tl'>
<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.
<button className='button button--secondary button--block'>See All</button>

Feed Card

Docux (@Juniors017)

humble contributor on:

Docux Card component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

<CardHeader style={{ backgroundColor: '#205d3b' , color:'black'}}>
<div className='avatar avatar--vertical'>
className='avatar__photo avatar__photo--xl'
<div className='avatar__intro'>
<div className='avatar__name'>Docux (@Juniors017)</div>
<small className='avatar__subtitle'>
humble contributor on:
<a style={{ color:'white'}} href=''></a>
style={{ backgroundColor: 'black' , color:'silver'}}
<h3>Docux Card component</h3>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.
<CardFooter style={{ backgroundColor: '#205d3b' , color:'black'}} className='text--center'>
<div className='button-group button-group--block'>
<button className='button button--secondary'>Like</button>
<button className='button button--secondary'>Comment</button>
<button className='button button--secondary'>Share</button>

Mega Feed Card

Docux (@Juniors017)

humble contributor on:

Docux Card component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(33 126 209)' , color:'black'}}
<div className='avatar avatar--vertical'>
className='avatar__photo avatar__photo--xl'
<div className='avatar__intro'>
<div className='avatar__name'>Docux (@Juniors017)</div>
<small className='avatar__subtitle'>
humble contributor on:
<a style={{ color:'white'}} href=''></a>
style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(33 126 209)' , color:'black'}}
style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' , color:'#8f600b'}}
<h3>Docux Card component</h3>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.
style={{ backgroundColor: '#2887bf' , color:'black'}}
<div className='button-group button-group--block'>
<button className='button button--secondary'>Like</button>
<button className='button button--secondary'>Comment</button>
<button className='button button--secondary'>Share</button>

Photo Card

<CardFooter style={{ backgroundColor: '#e37c77' , color:'black'}} className='text--center'>
<div className='button-group button-group--block'>
<button className='button button--success'>Like</button>
<button className='button button--warning'>Comment</button>
<button className='button button--danger'>Share</button>

Photo Card - Avatar

<CardFooter style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' , color:'black'}} className='text--center'>
<div className='avatar'>
className='avatar__photo avatar__photo--xs'
<div className='avatar__intro'>
<div className='avatar__name'>Docux humble contributor</div>

Other Post Card

The Infima CSS framework provides a set of utility class names that can be used to style cards in Docusaurus. This article will cover how to create a reusable card component for your Docusaurus site that can be customized with different colors and sizes.

  <Card shadow='tl'>
style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' , color:'black'}}
The Infima CSS framework provides a set of utility class names that can be used to style cards in Docusaurus. This article will cover how to create a reusable card component for your Docusaurus site that can be customized with different colors and sizes.
<CardFooter style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' , color:'black'}}>
<div className='avatar padding-top--md'>
<div className='avatar__intro'>
<div className='avatar__name'>Docux (@Juniors017)</div>
<small className='avatar__subtitle'>
humble contributor

Multi Demo Card

Docux (@Juniors017)

humble contributor on:

Docux Card component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

Docux (@Juniors017)

humble contributor on:

Docux Card component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

Docux Card component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

Tricks and Tips

The columns are made using to the infima grid, they are hard coded on this page so that the card component is independent. But if you want to use an easy and quick system for managing your columns while using the Infima grid system look at our columns component