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Button Component

The Infima CSS framework provides a set of utility classes that can be used to style buttons in Docusaurus. This article will cover how to create a reusable button component for your Docusaurus site that can be customized with different colors and sizes.

Creating the Button component

We're going to start by creating a new component called Button that will render a button element with the specified text, color, and size. The component will accept the following props:

  • label: The text to display on the button.
  • link: The URL to navigate to when the button is clicked.
  • variant (optional): The color variant to apply to the button. This will be used to apply different colors to the button based on the Infima CSS utility classes. The default value is primary.
  • size (optional): The size variant to apply to the button. This will be used to apply different sizes to the button based on the Infima CSS utility classes. The default value is null (normal size).
  • outline (optional): A boolean value that determines whether the button should have an outline style. The default value is false.
  • block (optional): A boolean value that determines whether the button should take up the full width of its container. The default value is false.
  • disabled (optional): A boolean value that determines whether the button should be disabled. The default value is false.

We're gonna start by creating the file and adding the source code for the component.

import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import Link from '@docusaurus/Link';

// Build the Button component with the specified props
const Button = ({
size = null, // The size of the button (e.g., 'sm', 'lg', or null)
outline = false, // Whether the button should be an outline button
variant = 'primary', // The color variant of the button
block = false, // Whether the button should be a block-level button
disabled = false, // Whether the button should be disabled
className, // Custom classes for the button
style, // Custom styles for the button
link, // The URL the button should link to
label // The text of the button
}) => {
const sizeMap = {
sm: 'sm',
small: 'sm',
lg: 'lg',
large: 'lg',
medium: null,
const buttonSize = size ? sizeMap[size] : '';
const sizeClass = buttonSize ? `button--${buttonSize}` : '';
const outlineClass = outline ? 'button--outline' : '';
const variantClass = variant ? `button--${variant}` : '';
const blockClass = block ? 'button--block' : '';
const disabledClass = disabled ? 'disabled' : '';
// If the button is disabled, set the destination to null.
const destination = disabled ? null : link;
return (
<Link to={destination}>
className={clsx('button', sizeClass, outlineClass, variantClass, blockClass, disabledClass, className)}

export default Button;

MDX Component Scope

To follow the Docusaurus documentation, we create a theme folder that will host the MDXComponents file. This gives us src\theme\MDXComponents.*. You may already have a src\theme folder or an MDXComponents file if so - merge the changes described here with yours.

  import React from 'react';
// Importing the original mapper + our components according to the Docusaurus doc
import MDXComponents from '@theme-original/MDXComponents';
import Button from '@site/src/components/Button';
export default {
// Reusing the default mapping

Using the Button Component in an MDX File


<Button label="Click me" link="#using" />


<Button label="Click me" link="#using" variant="secondary" size="lg" outline />


<Button label="Click me" link="#using" disabled />


<Button label="Click me" link="#using" block />

Custom styles

<Button label="Click me" link="#using" style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', color: 'white', border: 'none', }} />


<Button label="Click me" link="#using" variant="danger" size="sm" outline block />


In this article, we created a reusable button component for your Docusaurus site that can be customized with different colors and sizes. By using the Infima CSS framework and utility classes, you can easily style buttons in your Docusaurus site without writing custom CSS. You can further extend the Button component by adding more props and customizing the styles to fit your site's design.